Has anyone heard any good news lately? It can be difficult to find. There is much sadness and pain to be found. A young high school student was brutally attacked in Rockville. There was another terrorist attack, this time in London with many left dead and injured. More recently, there was a shooting in a Cincinnati nightclub with more loss of life. North Korea continues to test missiles in the hopes of increasing their capability to strike even the United States. I could fill this newsletter with more such stories. It is difficult to maintain perspective today. I try to remind myself however, that a spate of bad news stories does not mean there are not many good news stories to tell.
On Wednesday evenings we are studying a book called, “Who is This Man?” “This man” is Jesus. We have been reminded of his staggering influence on our lives and our world. In every corner of the globe, we find people engaged in doing good, building hospitals and schools, combating hunger, contributing clothing, medicine and food, opening their homes to strangers, advocating for the poor and the oppressed, and working for justice and dignity for all people. Jesus was, and is, the greatest influence for good in our world today. He is our good news in a bad news world. Jesus once told a story about some workers who were distressed to learn some evil man had sown weeds among the wheat. They went to tell the owner; “Shall we burn it all down?” they asked. And the owner replied, “No, for in so doing you will destroy the harvest.” The workers saw weeds, but the owner saw a harvest. What do we see as we look around – wheat or weeds? It is a matter of perspective, isn’t it? I remember the old quote, “Two men looked out from prison bars. One saw mud, the other saw the stars.” To be sure, there is much that seems broken right now, and the future seems dreary; nothing but a plethora of grave stones out there too heavy for us to move. But I invite you to join us this month to hear again the best news we can ever know. Oh, at first, it doesn’t seem like good news. When Mary and the others bring spices to anoint the dead body of Jesus, they were not expecting to be uplifted, but they were! The stone was rolled away! He was alive! The Easter story is the greatest story ever told; a story that overshadows all the other stories of death, disaster, terror, illness, corruption and division. We can live with a new perspective – victory born out of defeat! Good news overcoming bad news, hope that can dispel the deepest despair, sins forgiven, and most importantly, life that steps out of death’s empty tomb to live. I encourage you to worship with us on April 16th and join with me in that ancient Easter affirmation shared by Christians for 2000 years. I will say, “Christ is risen” and you will respond, “He is risen indeed!” Happy Easter! In Christ, Pastor Joel
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Rev. Dr. Doris Barron-Shell Archives
April 2020