My mother-in-law likes to watch the Hallmark channel on television and is really glued to the screen when Hallmark provides “Christmas in July.” Well, if we can have Christmas in July, why not Thanksgiving in August? I am feeling especially blessed right now.
Mark Twain once told the story about a man who wrote to him when he learned how much Twain had earned for his magazine articles. That was a long time ago; still, Twain made about $5 dollars a word! “Dear Mr. Twain,” the man’s letter began, “Please send me a good word.” Then he folded a $5 bill in with the letter and dropped it in the mail. Soon after, the man received a response. On a single sheet of paper, Twain offered a single word: “Thanks.” Thanks is one of our best words, and it is the word that comes to mind as I think about all that God is doing among us and through us. Thank you Cheryl and Jonathan and our summer choir for the gift of music, for words and notes that speak to our hearts that comfort and inspire us. Thanks to Suresh Persaud for filling in for me so ably in the pulpit. Thanks to our Board of Deacons for tending to their parish lists and leading us in worship. Thanks to our newly formed search team under the leadership of Willie King. Pray for them as they begin the search for a new pastor. Thanks to our Vacation Bible School team, led by Dee Wells and Lynda Rooney; as I write this, VBS has begun, and it appears to be another wonderful week of learning and fun. My thanks to all those who have been so hard at work renovating our church kitchen. It is close to completion, and I know that it is going to look just great. It is a real labor of love on their part and we are so grateful for their efforts. Our Board of Trustees has been hard at work providing a new security system for our building, and a new air conditioner for the pastor’s office, for which I am profoundly grateful! Thanks to Bernard Warren for a new ministry initiative. Bernard, through the Baltimore Faith Based Commission for Behavioral Health, has been busy in Baltimore city for some time, informing and educating clergy and their congregants about behavioral health care needs through “Lunch and Learn” seminars. He is trying to branch out to our area, and the first “Lunch and Learn” seminar will be held on July 26th at MHBC! Already, almost 30 people have signed on. Bernard and I are hopeful that this effort will continue in 2020; the current vision is for six additional seminars. Thanks to all of our ushers for their service during the summer, and to all of our other teams and boards for their faithfulness in service. Thanks to all for their time, gifts, and treasure during the summer and all year long. My cup runs over when I think of what God has done and is doing through YOU. I believe the best is yet to be. Thank you God, the One from whom all these blessings flow. Gratefully, Pastor Joel
Rev. Dr. Doris Barron-Shell Archives
April 2020